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Laura Donnellan

9th July 2008

teaches European law, and sport and the law at the University of Limerick, where she is also Course Director for Law and European Studies, and Law Plus. She has published in the areas of drug testing and the rights of athletes, elder law, the regulation of football agents, TV rights in Irish football, EC competition law, and animal welfare in the EU. She is currently co-authoring the third edition of Modern Irish Company Law with Professor Henry Ellis. She graduated with a master’s degree in Law from the University of Limerick in 2002, and is currently pursuing a PhD through the School of Law, at Queen’s University Belfast. Her doctoral work combines her interests in sport, law, and animal welfare by examining the regulation of animal cruelty in sport. She is examining animal welfare from a socio-legal perspective focusing on the development of animal related legislation in Ireland and Britain, and its application to animals involved in fox hunting, hare coursing, greyhound racing, and dog fighting.