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A selection of articles by Professor Cohn on animals

13th January 2009

“Animals as Property and the Law” in R. Kevelson, ed., Law and Semiotics, New York and London, 1987, pp. 131-148.

“Kant y el problema de los derechos de los animales” [Kant and the Problem of Animal Rights] in Esperanza Guisan, ed., Esplendor y miseria de la etica kantiana, Barcelona, Anthropos, 1987, pp. 197-213.

“Animal Models” in Modelos de la Mente, Madrid, El Escorial, 1989, pp. 103-124.

“La teoria evolutiva y del continuo de Ferrater Mora” [Evolutionary Theory and Ferrater Mora’s Continuum] in Perspectivas actuales de logica y filosofia de la ciencia, Madrid, Spain, 1994, pp. 513-529.

“Wildlife Contraception: An Introduction” in Animal Law Seminar, Pennsylvania Bar Institute (The Continuing Legal Education Arm of the Pennsylvania Bar Association), Mechanicsburg, Pa, 2003, pp. 131-136.

“Tendiendo puentes: la teoria del sentido y el continuo en J. Ferrater Mora,” Teorema, XI/1 (1981), 37-56.

“Taking an Ethical Stand on Raptors,” Educational Hawkwatcher, 3 (August, 1989), 1-4.

“The Thirsty Cow and an Important Distinction” in Animal Law, Vol 3, 1997, 31-38.

“Una conceptión inherentista de los animales” [“An Inherentist Conception of Animals”] in Teorema, XVII/3, 1999, 85-101.