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Third Issue of JAE Published

26th April 2012

The third issue of the Journal of Animal Ethics (JAE) has just been published by the University of Illinois Press.

The contents include an analysis of the latest US legal judgment affecting animals: United Sates v. Stevens by David N. Cassuto; a discussion of the adequacy of veterinary oaths by Vanessa Carli Bones and James Yeates, and further discussion of complementary and alternative veterinary medicine by Megan Scommer. Carey Otter, Siobhan O’Sullivan and Sandy Ross explore the possible foundations of an international animal protection regime, Drew Leder critiques the metaphysics of factory farming, and Stephen T. Newmyer examines some ancient and modern views on the expression of shame in animals.

The editorial (‘Those Who Toil and Those Who Spin’) takes issue with the criticisms of the first JAE editorial on the use of animal language arguing that how we use language about animals influences their moral status and the nature of the debate about animal ethics.

The full list of contents is here and the facebook of the JAE is here.