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Nuria Menéndez de Llano

8th August 2016

is a PhD Candidate in Animal Law at the University of Oviedo, Spain. Her main field of research is constitutional and criminal law enforcement of animal protection. She is a member of the research group on legal status of animals at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her publications include, “Animales como víctimas sexuales”, El Diario, 2015, “La explotación sexual de los animales en el Código Penal Español”, Derecho Animal, 2015 and “Delito de maltrato animal: Empleado municipal mata a un gato con una pala. Comentario a la Sentencia 12/2015, de 12 de enero, del Juzgado de lo Penal nº 4 de Valladolid”, Derecho Animal, 2015. She is a pioneering animal lawyer, who founded the first Animal Law Firm in the region of Asturias, Spain. She has worked as a pro bono consultant with several Spanish animal rights charities. In 2012 she established the non-profit organisation Observatorio Justicia y Defensa Animal, which works for the enforcement of the animal law in Spain, prosecuting animal abuse, checking the legality of shows and festivals that use animals, and promoting the defense of animals and laws on animal protection.