About the Centre

Merton College, University of Oxford

The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics announces the programme for its ninth Annual Summer School, at Merton College, Oxford, 5th to 8th August, 2024.

This year’s Summer School topic is “Animal Thinkers” and will focus on celebrating the pioneers of ethical sensitivity to animals.

Scholars from 19 countries, including India, China, Pakistan, Australia, Brazil, the US, Egypt, and Canada, will be presenting on pioneers who have worked for animal protection world-wide.

Ethical sensitivity to animals has been pioneered throughout the world by key individuals. Some of these, like Henry Bergh, William Wilberforce, and John Wesley are well known, but most are not.

The aim of this year’s Summer School is to recognise the thinkers and doers – both historical and contemporary – who have made strides for animals, including the well-known, the lesser-known and the not-known-at-all.

Director of the Oxford Annual Animal Ethics Summer School, Dr Clair Linzey commented:

“We shall be offering a world-wide perspective. People often think that animal protection is simply a Western affair, but they are wrong. People have been struggling to achieve animal protection goals for decades, if not centuries, in almost all countries in the world”.

The Summer School is always a sociable affair too, with plenty of opportunity for delegates to get to know one another and discuss lectures and workshops, at meals, and socials each evening, not to mention a champagne reception and gala meal on the penultimate evening.

All this, with the historic and beautiful buildings and gardens of Oxford University’s Merton College as the backdrop.

The Summer School can be attended as a residential course or delegates can attend on a daily basis.

To book go to: https://www.oxfordanimalethics.com/summer-school/registration/

Please note that the Summer School is filling up fast and booking closes on June 30th.


The full programme is available to view here: https://www.oxfordanimalethics.com/summer-school/programme/

Images of previous Summer Schools at Merton College are available to download here.

Press places are available. Please let us know what day(s) or session(s) you would like to attend and which publication this is for. Places on the Summer School are limited so we politely ask you only to reserve places if you will definitely be attending.

Dr Clair Linzey is a Research Fellow in Animal Ethics at Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford, and Deputy Director of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. Clair is available for interview. If you are interested in speaking to other speakers, please let us know who and we will arrange, in accordance with availability and time zones.

For more information, please contact Sophie Inglis: sophie@panpathic.com / 07815 860 082.

The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics

The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics is an independent centre pioneering ethical perspectives on animals through academic research, teaching, and publication. The Centre comprises more than 100 academic Fellows worldwide.

Web: www.oxfordanimalethics.com/home 
Instagram: @oxfordanimalethics
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@oxfordanimalethics 
LinkedIn: Dr Clair Linzey – https://www.linkedin.com/in/clair-linzey-ab012272/