About the Centre

Dear Friends

It is with great delight that we announce that The Animal Thing, the documentary about our Director, Andrew Linzey, and his work for animals, has received four film festival laurels.

The documentary will have its world premiere this week at Chagrin Falls Film Festival. Director Adam Linzey and Producer Jesse Fox will be in Chagrin for the first showing of the film and a Q&A and filmmakers panel, Thursday 3 October.

The film has also been officially selected for the academy awards qualifying film festival St Louis International Film Festival (SLIFF). SLIFF is one of the top film festivals in the world and we are delighted that The Animal Thing will be shown on Saturday 9 November.

The Animal Thing was also a semi-finalist at FLICKERS’ Rhode Island International Film Festival (RIFF) and is an award nominee at the International Vegan Film Festival. Many of these festivals have virtual options, which would allow you to view the film online.

All of this success would not have been possible without your wonderful support. Thank you so much to everyone who has already supported our match campaign, watched the trailer, and liked and shared the film on Instagram. We are so grateful.

Now the film will have had its world premiere, we are focusing on fundraising for a theatrical release, getting the film on a streaming platform, and gearing up to show the film at universities and colleges.

As many of you know, Clair was in an accident earlier in the year, and that slowed our match campaign. We received a generous offer from one of our American benefactors to match any donation up to $50,000.

With your help we matched $25,000 to support the film. Our wonderful benefactor has kindly agreed to extend the match campaign for another 60 days to help us get to our target of $50,000. This enormously generous offer can help us reach our fundraising target.

For every dollar you give, however small or large, our donors will match your contribution up to $50,000. Please consider giving just a small amount.

You can donate to support the movie on the Centre’s website: https://www.oxfordanimalethics.com/how-you-can-help/give-a-donation/.

If you are US based, you can give a donation through a 501(c)3, by contacting the producer of the film, Clair Linzey at: depdirector@oxfordanimalethics.com.

Thank you so much for all your support. We really hope this film can educate people about animals, and inspire those who give their lives to advocating for them.

You can watch the trailer for The Animal Thing on the website: https://www.theanimalthing.com/.

You can also follow us on Instagram: theanimalthingmovie

Praise for The Animal Thing

“Andrew Linzey had the blessed gift of being able to sense in the air the stirrings of a new attitude among human beings toward nonhuman animals, and in the course of a lifetime’s dogged advocacy to play a large part in actualizing that change of attitude. He is owed the thanks of billions of his fellow creatures, even though by the nature of things they will never hear of him.”

– JM Coetzee, Nobel Laureate for Literature

“The Animal Thing is a moving and inspiring insight into Andrew Linzey’s extraordinary lifetime of theology and advocacy for animal liberation. He’s paid a heavy personal price, as all great pioneers do. Undeterred, as this film highlights, he remains steadfast in his powerful work against the abuse of animals. Bravo!” 

– Peter Tatchell, Human Rights Campaigner


Clair and Adam
Producers and Director of The Animal Thing